Description modern painting maze "Princess" author's conceptual, oil on canvas 80x80 cm, 2015
Description modern painting maze "Princess":
The labyrinth... What is it? A space? The answer is, definitely, “Yes”. Yet, it’s a closed space, so close that you always strive to get out of it, you always seek for escape.
A labyrinth means a tangle, confusion, but it might promise an intriguing change. There is a point of departure, thus, destination is to be found. Now, let’s think about life itself. Can’t it be called a labyrinth as well, considering it represents a certain road, so intertwining. The labyrinth of life is unique for everyone. Those who assure themselves of success in case they try to knock onto or even break into somebody else’s one to obtain something useful and necessary are in captivity of self-deception. There is always a certain border that never lets the paths intertwine. Of course, we can hear now and then, “Their lives have intertwined”, but it relates only to a symbolic twirl. Actually, this tangle is mostly a reflecting illusion, friendly to the visitor, though. A person looks for someone alike to have anything in common, creating a certain image, and in case of disappointment moves on alone to continue the quest. “There is the entrance, which is the symbol of growing up, there is a maze, that is, life and there is also destination". Each of us has to walk his or her own "places yet to be discovered" with or without a purpose, being full of feelings, emotions, anxiety to encounter both pleasant and awful experiences. And this does promise fun and excitement, so, is it necessary to look for the exit?
What if we try thinking outside the box? How does it feel above all those events, observing and analyzing from the outside.
Well, there is a person who is likely to stay away from that confined space: the child. There’s absolutely no possibility for children to get lost in self-analysis due to their easy-going attitude towards life, or rather, due to absence of any attitude at all. Childish perception enables to live simply: to feel happy, to play, to laugh. Kids treat a cube like a multi-colored toy. Although for
short time, yet, it’s only the child who is going to always be eager to play with a cube, to examine it from different angles: to turn this toy, to fiddle with it and to enjoy it.
That said, the childish subconsciousness doesn’t stop looking for the entrance, out of certain curiosity, "I wonder, what is hidden inside". Little by little, the child considers everything that happens around, "gathering strength". And the more the child learns, the faster he or she is drawn inside falling into the labyrinth to seek after a way out for all the years to come.
Text by Yaroslava Potapova author-artist (YAPOTAPOVA).
Exhibitions & worldwide competitions:
2021 March - Personal exhibition, author's paintings of the conceptual direction, Russia, Moscow, Antique Center on Sadovy;
2015 November "Russian Art Week" Russia, Moscow:
3-rd place "The Princess", nomination - conceptual artwork, professional category.
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